Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 7 and 8

Ok ok so I know this was supposed to be a daily thing. You know how life is... sometimes things just happen and sometimes other things just dont; and that was my week many things happened and the blog just didnt. So I promise to do better this week.
While I wasnt actually blogging about my little experiment I was still living it. Actually in alot of ways this week was a big one for me. Monday was relatively un eventful, other than the fact that I went for a nice long walk with my room mate Kathryn. We had a much needed long talk and I was reminded of some of the many reasons I so wanted to be her room mate. I was contemplating a big decision all day and my favorite quote from President Benson was on my mind alot throughout the day.
"Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that he can make alot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, raise up friends, comfort their souls and pour out peace."
The Lord has always fulfilled this promise in my behalf before. I just have to have faith that he will continue to keep his promises. Awhile back I saw a video of a song called What are words. MY friend Jana related to me how the chorus of that song applies perfectly to the Lord and his promises to us. "What are words if you really dont mean them when you say them. What are words if their only for good times then their done."
The lord would never tell us something if he didnt mean it. And I can say I have faith everyday but if I dont mean it and live life like I mean it its nothing. The Lord has made promises to me personally that he will keep. I just need to work on my end of turning my life over to him so that he can.
ON tuesday, I went to Salt Lake and met with my brother on a project that I am going to be working with him on. I got to have lunch with a couple of my brothers, my dad and two of my moms. I went to work for a few hours and when I went home I met with my Bishop and recieved a blessing to help me face the challenges that lie ahead for me. I truly felt happy that day. I felt at peace, and excited for the future. As Ive been listening to conference from April in preparation for the upcoming conference I heard a talk that I missed the first time around. It was a talk given by Elder Uchtdorf in the priesthood session and he told a story about a man who's dream was to go on a cruise, after saving his money he was finally able to go, he scrimped and ate nothing but rice and beans that he bad brought with him and didnt attend any activities on board the ship. It wasnt until the final day of the cruise that he discouvered that all of that was included with the price of his passage. Then he said the following "Are we as priesthood holders living below our priveledges when it comes to the sacred power gift and blessings that are our opportunity and right as bearers of God's prieshood?"
I may not hold the priesthood but this still applies to me, as a member of God's church on earth and I living below my rights and priveledges? What am I missing by not taping into the blessings the Lord has to offer me? What am I missing because of my lack of faith and my desire to control my life. What am I missing in my selfishness of my time and talents? In the blessing I was given today I was told that the Lord was pleased with me and for the first time in quite awhile I felt it and I believed it. I felt peaceful and happy and full of desire to do better.

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